The Blank Target
by Robert Alan Wendeborn
"Robert Alan Wendeborn exposes the nuance of memory in his poetic debut The Blank Target. Each poem is a reimagining of a relationship gone wrong. Here is the wreckage, here are the words that ache for a "come back," for a "one last," for a "I don't need you" . . . . Wendeborn takes the past; he shakes it up and then asks for it to reassemble itself."
- Tara Westmor in Sink Review
Buy The Blank Target
2015 | 86 pp | 978-0-9911863-3-4
Why Don’t You Get Rid of Someone Else for a Change
When you wear glasses I feel like you’re a mirror
only because in a tiny way you are
The light sources in the room with you freak me out
& shadows have so many shades
This room feels
I don’t know
Do you think I should sigh more often
Heavily breathing the way you do before your voice
breaks & commands beautiful diction flowering over
my skin into my pores & up my throat
O the way it swaggers thick out my mouth
You told me to dust so now it’s dusty
Don’t tell me to explode my syntax it will do that over the
next three hundred years
All our safe words will rearrange themselves