Photo by Alyssa Lynee
David Trinidad
David Trinidad’s latest book of poems is Swinging on a Star (Turtle Point Press, 2017). His other books include Notes on a Past Life (BlazeVOX [books], 2016), Peyton Place: A Haiku Soap Opera (Turtle Point, 2013), Dear Prudence: New and Selected Poems (Turtle Point, 2011), The Late Show (Turtle Point, 2007), and Plasticville (Turtle Point, 2000). His collaborations with other poets include Descent of the Dolls, Part I (with Jeffery Conway and Gillian McCain, BlazeVOX, 2017), By Myself: An Autobiography (with D.A. Powell, Turtle Point, 2009), and Phoebe 2002: An Essay in Verse (with Jeffery Conway and Lynn Crosbie, Turtle Point, 2003). He is also the editor of A Fast Life: The Collected Poems of Tim Dlugos (Nightboat Books, 2011) and Punk Rock Is Cool for the End of the World: Poems and Notebooks of Ed Smith (Turtle Point, 2019). Trinidad lives in Chicago, where he is a Professor of Creative Writing/Poetry at Columbia College.